

Order for captains

  • To manage one double pool
  • You pay € 12,50 for half a year
  • For unlimited number of players

Order for Associations

  • To manage multiple doubles pools
  • You pay 12.50 per pool for half a year
  • Per poule een captain aanmaken
  • For unlimited number of players
Go to order



Dit is een heel handig instrumenten voor plannen van wedstrijden, invoeren van uitslagen en het bekijken van standen.

Roel Remeijer

The Pim Poule matches are always very fun but competitive matches helped by the algorithm and organization. It has been an excellent way for me to get to know more members and build relationships which is very important to me as an expat living in the Netherlands.

Tom Seedhouse

Ideale app als je lekker wil dubbelen. Steeds andere tegenstanders en de app houdt je speelsterkte bij waardoor je altijd leuke partijen speelt.

Marco De Haan

Pouleplanner zo veel beter dan een toss avond! Altijd duidelijk wanneer en een (extra) viertal os voor een nieuwe wedstrijd en altijd optimaal samengestelde duo’s voor meest uitdagende matches! Deze app is voor onze club letterlijk een ‘game-changer’!


De poulplanner werkt super. Eenvoudig te gebruiken, zeer gebruiksvriendelijk. Verzoek tot aanpassingen wordt snel en adequaat doorgevoerd.

Peter Franken

Fantastische app, doet precies wat t moet doen, namelijk je incl contact brengen met leden van de club.


Beste app die ik ooit met tennis tegen gekomen ben. Zo gebruiksvriendelijk, transparant en werkt altijd. En speel al wat jaartjes tennis!

Gerritjan Dekker

Pouleplanner, zoals door Walter Mulder is ingericht als PimPoule, is een absolute game changer voor onze tennisbeleving op Pim Mulier. Het gemak en de snelheid van het gebruik. maar ook de indeling van de wedstrijden zijn zeer consistent.

Harald Been

Superhandige site/app om gemakkelijk, overzichtelijk dubbelspel in de hussel eerlijk gewogen met de poule van ingeschreven spelers te organiseren.

Martijn Kramers

Walters poulesysteem is een verrijking voor de club. Bijna altijd kun je spelen op gelijkwaardig niveau. En voor nieuwe leden een prima introductie!

Jim Streefkerk

Pool planner for double pools

The Pool Planner is intended for organizing matches within the association at fixed times during the week. Members can register for the pool and then decide for themselves on which dates they want to play. Players can import the results via the site themselves. Scores are kept and the current ranking of the players is calculated. The Pool Planner can create a match schedule (who plays against whom) that takes into account the playing strength. By using this match schedule, there are usually exciting matches. The Pool Planner makes it easy for players to register or to cancel a match.

Pool planner for tennis and padel

Use the Pool planner to organize internal pools within the club. It is an excellent way to quickly get to know other members. Players can decide for themselves on which dates they want to play. The scores are kept and the players receive a current ranking. This current ranking is used to generate the match schedules on playing dates.

Signing up and cancellations for a match

You can register for the playing dates that suit you best and if you are unexpectedly unable to attend, you can easily cancel again. Simply click on a plus or minus sign in the app. The sooner you register, the greater the chance that you will play. If there are more than a multiple of four players, the last registrations will be put on reserve. A few days before the match, e-mails will be sent to players whose status has changed (reserve or playing). For example, if you were in the last group of four and someone else has canceled or if you were a reserve and someone has joined who completes the next foursome.

Virtual ranking

At the start of the internal competition, each player starts with his or her current official ranking. After that, a virtual ranking is calculated based on the match results. This calculation is derived from the official calculation with a few minor adjustments. In this way, the difference in ranking of players who form a pair remains the same after the match.

Create match schedule

When generating a match schedule, a proprietary algorithm is used in which a random function and the average current ranking are used. So it is not the case that the player with the lowest ranking is paired with the player with the highest ranking. Random pairs are created. Then it is looked at which players have not played with each other that often and then the pairs with the smallest possible difference in average ranking are placed together.


The results are entered into the app by one of the winners of the match. In addition to the virtual ranking, a regular ranking is of course also kept, such as the number of sets won and lost and a score percentage.

The pool captain

Behind this app is an admin section for the pool captain. Via the admin, the captain can:

  • enter and invite new players
  • add playing dates
  • correct results

It is very easy to create new playing dates. You use a calendar to choose a period between which the new playing dates should fall, a day and a time and multiple dates are created at the same time. The pool captain enters all players once with their KNLTB double ranking and then sends them an automatically generated invitation by e-mail. After that, the pool captain does not have to do much more. Everything arranges itself. In addition, a WhatsApp or Signal group is of course still necessary for announcements and possibly arranging matches outside the fixed playing dates.

Put this site as an app on your mobile phone


  • Click on the block with the arrow (middle icon) in the bottom bar of the browser
  • You can then choose from, among other things, 'Add to home screen'
  • Click on add
  • You will find the shortcut as an icon on your phone


  • Click on the options button
  • Then click on the settings button at the bottom left
  • Choose (Shortcut on home page)